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Al Narjis hotel apartment - AG64

/ ( 13 )

Al Narjis hotel apartment - AG64

/ ( 13 )
  • 6 guests
  • 3 bed rooms
  • 3 beds
  • 3 bathrooms
  • M²
    124 M²
Features ( 14 )
  • Self Entry
    Self Entry
  • Central Air Conditioning
    Central Air Conditioning
  • Dryer
  • Free Parking
    Free Parking
  • Hair Dryer
    Hair Dryer
Additional Information

Furnished apartment in Al Narjis neighborhood

Families looking for a comfortable, upscale and highly private place to stay before embarking on long trips can find that in Kesae furnished apartment rental in Al Narjis neighborhood.

At Kease, we offer multiple options of hotel apartments furnished in the most upscale residential neighborhoods that suit the time periods of the guests' visits. There are monthly, weekly, and daily hotel apartments available.

Advantages of renting a furnished apartment in Al Narjis neighborhood

You can enjoy every minute of your vacation by enjoying various services and amenities and entertainment inside the specially equipped furnished apartment to ensure your comfort and happiness. The most important advantages of those are:

1- Division of the housing unit

  • 6 guests

  • 3 bedrooms

  • 3 bathrooms

  • 3 beds

2- Comfort facilities

3- Furniture and interior decoration

The interior fittings of the furnished apartment help you to enjoy a sense of happiness, comfort, and unparalleled privacy, in addition to the elegance of the selected furniture for equipping the hotel apartment and the colors chosen for wall paintings that support psychological comfort and relaxation.

Advantages of Al Narjis neighborhood

Al Narjis neighborhood is one of the most prominent neighborhoods in the north of Riyadh, and the Al Narjis plan in Riyadh is considered one of the most vital plans due to the large number of services contained in the area, as it is surrounded by the capital's most prominent landmarks.

  • The area contains a large number of schools, universities, and health facilities.

  • The supply markets and supermarkets are distributed in various parts of the neighborhood.

  • There are many hospitals, clinics, laboratories, and medical centers.

  • Shopping centers, restaurants, and cafes are spread throughout the neighborhood.

Permit Number


4.8 / 5 (by 13)
مكان يستحق السكن فيه لو ارجع للرياض اخذه مره ثانيه وقريب لكل شيء موقع استراتيجي مكان جميل ونظيف وشركة متعاونين حتى لما ماضبط جوالي الاتصال بالانترنت يستجوبون اسرع مايمكن ويحلون لك المشكله.. فيه ملاحظات بسيطة ياليت تنتبهون لها..الزباله ما فيه احد ياخذها
نحن بخدمتك دائما، وستكون التجربة القادمة افضل اكيد
نظيفة ومرتبة واجود انواع الاثاث في حال اقامتك فتره طويلة ستحتاج الى اكياس نفايات ولايوجد بها مكنسة
شكرا لك على زيارتك عزيزي سيتم توريد ملاحظتك للقسم المختص وتطوير الخدمة بالزيارات الأخرى
بالحقيقة المكان جميل ومرتب ويستاهل 5 لولا بعض الملاحظات الي ودي اشارككم فيها: ١. النت ضعيف ويفصل كثير ٢. التلفزيون لا يوجد به محطات لأنه لا يوجد ريسيفر. وزياده على ذلك حاولت ادخل عن طريق الابليكشنز الموجوده بالتلفزيون مثل شاهد ونيتفليكس والعربية والحدث
شكراً لك على تقييمك أستاذي، وان شاء الله بنكون عند حسن ظنك في الجايات ????????????
المطبخ لايحتوي ع اي معدات للطبخ او الاكل
شكرًا للتقييم المرتفع عزيزي, نسعى دائمًا لتقديم أفضل خدمة! و بالنسبة لمعدات الطبخ او الاكل موجود قدر بالمطبخ أستاذي و موجود صحون و ملاعق على طاولة السفرة كما هو موضح بالصور
Brilliant, clean and all in all a very positive stay. It was beautiful, clean, spacious and modern. I was not expecting the level of luxury I was presented and I was thoroughly impressed. Any and every question we had about the property was answered in a
Thank you a lot your kind words, they encourage us greatly!
يسعدنا سماع ذلك ونحن نسعى دائما لتقديم افضل خدمة
Terms & Conditions

Please read the following instructions carefully before booking

  1. Cancellation is available 24 hours prior to check-in
  2. You can modify the reservation period 24 hours before the entry time.
  3. Cleaning service and delivery of additional supplies are provided at an additional price
  4. Smoking is prohibited in the residential unit.
  5. It is forbidden to hold parties in the residential unit.
  6. Please maintain the facilities of the housing unit, noting that a claim will be made in the event of any damage.

Terms & Conditions

To view the terms and conditions and privacy policy via the following link: Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy

You can contact us via WhatsApp,Through this link or communicate through our unified number 920033775
Kease Narjis AG64 the Al-Narjis neighborhood plan in Riyadh is considered one of the most vital plans, because the region contains a large number of services and it is surrounded by the most prominent landmarks of the capital. We offer you in Keys hotel apartments
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